Chiropractic ServicesWe are a wellness-based Chiropractor, meaning we want you to be well, which is more than just an absence of sickness, wellness is concerned with you reaching your full potential physically, mentally and socially.
This is achieved through releasing the interference to your nervous system. When your spine is in a state of misalignment your nervous system is severely affected resulting in pain, sickness, ill health, and generally not functioning at your best, your relationships are affected, every aspect of your life is not at 100% of its potential. CARE FOR CHILDRENChildren and babies are cared for as this is where spinal misalignment first occurs, many childhood disorders respond well to Chiropractic care. Babies are adjusted in very gentle manner using only slight pressure, about the same amount of pressure you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato.
If a child's spine is out of alignment they will never reach their full potential as they grow through developmental stages. MODALITIES USEDDiversified Technique
This is a widely used type of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustment thatincludes most of the procedures taught at chiropractic schools. This technique is the most commonly used of all chiropractic techniques and is the one probably most familiar to patients. The Diversified manipulation/adjustment entails a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation of a joint (quick, shallow thrusts that cause the popping noise often associated with a chiropractic manipulation/adjustment). Extremity Manipulating/Adjusting
This is the application of chiropractic manipulation/adjustment to joints other than those of the spine, i.e., shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand/finger, hip, knee, ankle/foot/toe. Examples of conditions treated by extremity manipulation/ adjustment: carpal tunnel syndrome, gait, or posture-related problems. Activator Method
This is a hand-held, spring-loaded instrument-based manipulation/adjustment protocol. Instead of the manipulating/adjusting forces being delivered by hand, force is generated with the small appliance that delivers a lighter, but quicker, thrust than can be delivered by hand. Activator can be used as a primary treatment protocol for all patients or a selective method for patients who may not desire manual manipulation/adjustment or where manual manipulation/adjustment may be contraindicated Sacro Occipital Technique
This is a specific chiropractic technique that uses triangular-shaped blocks usually placed under the pelvis of the prone patient to treat problems identified in the low back. Low force, slow pressure types of manipulations/adjustments may be used to address joint problems identified in the skull. SOT may be used as an exclusive treatment technique or as an adjunct method of patient management. Applied Kinesiology
This is an approach to chiropractic treatment in which several specific procedures may be combined. Diversified manipulative/ adjusting techniques may be used with nutritional interventions, together with light massage of various points referred to as neurolymphatic and neurovascular points. Clinical decision-making is often based on testing and evaluating muscle strength. Cranial Technique
This is not a specific chiropractic technique, but possibly several techniques using the application of chiropractic manipulation/adjustment to joints of the skull (similar to the SOT technique previously mentioned). Since individual anatomy of skull joints is different, the styles of manipulation/ adjustment are different and no cavitation occurs. |
Monday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Wednesday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Member Chiropractors Association of AustraliaThe CAA promotes the highest standards of patient care and is guided by a strict code of ethics – ensuring everyone can have confidence in a CAA chiropractor.